Nasa Cooperative Agreement

NASA Cooperative Agreement: What You Need to Know

NASA, the United States government agency responsible for the country`s civilian space program and aerospace research, offers a unique opportunity for organizations to collaborate and partner with them through a NASA Cooperative Agreement.

What is a NASA Cooperative Agreement?

A NASA Cooperative Agreement is a legal agreement between NASA and a non-governmental organization that enables them to collaborate on a specific project or initiative. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that allows NASA to work with non-profit organizations, universities, and other federal agencies to achieve its mission.

What are the benefits of a NASA Cooperative Agreement?

Here are some benefits of a NASA Cooperative Agreement:

1. Access to NASA resources: Organizations that partner with NASA through a cooperative agreement can access NASA`s vast resources, including research facilities, technology, data, and scientific expertise.

2. Funding Opportunities: NASA often provides funding to non-profit organizations, universities, and industry partners through cooperative agreements. This funding can help support research, development, and innovation in the aerospace industry.

3. Improved Public Relations: Collaborating with NASA can improve an organization`s public relations and reputation. Working with a prestigious organization like NASA can also attract new partners, sponsors, and donors.

4. Research Opportunities: Organizations can conduct research on topics related to NASA`s mission, providing an opportunity to contribute to the scientific community.

How does the NASA Cooperative Agreement process work?

The process of obtaining a NASA Cooperative Agreement involves several steps:

1. Identify a suitable project: Organizations must identify a specific project that aligns with NASA`s mission and goals.

2. Review the requirements: After identifying the project, organizations must review the NASA cooperative agreement requirements to determine eligibility.

3. Submit a proposal: Once the organization has determined it is eligible, they must submit a proposal outlining the project`s scope, timeline, budget, and expected outcomes.

4. Review and selection: NASA will review the proposal and determine whether to accept or reject the proposal. If accepted, NASA will work with the organization to negotiate and finalize the cooperative agreement.

5. Implementation: After the agreement is finalized, the organization will work with NASA to implement the project as outlined in the agreement.


A NASA Cooperative Agreement provides organizations with a unique opportunity to collaborate and partner with NASA on a specific project or initiative. It allows organizations to access NASA`s vast resources, funding opportunities, and scientific expertise while contributing to the scientific community and improving their public relations. If your organization is interested in partnering with NASA, take the first step by identifying a project that aligns with NASA`s mission and goals.