Good Sentences for Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of good writing that ensures clarity and coherence of your ideas. As a professional, I have seen several common errors in subject-verb agreement that can negatively impact the readability and SEO value of your content. In this article, I will guide you through some good sentences for subject-verb agreement, highlighting the dos and don`ts of this grammar rule.

First, let us understand the basics of subject-verb agreement. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that performs the action of the verb. The verb, on the other hand, is the word that describes the action or state of being. For the sentence to make sense, the subject and the verb must agree in number, i.e., singular or plural.

Here are some good sentences for subject-verb agreement to help you master this grammar rule:

1. Singular subject requires a singular verb

Example: The book is on the table.

2. Plural subject requires a plural verb

Example: The books are on the table.

3. Compound subject joined by “and” requires a plural verb

Example: The boy and the girl are playing in the garden.

4. Compound subject joined by “or” requires a singular verb that agrees with the closest subject

Example: Either the cat or the dog is responsible for tearing the furniture.

5. Inverted sentences with a prepositional phrase require a singular verb that agrees with the subject, not the object of the preposition.

Example: On the table is the book that I need.

6. Collective nouns require a singular verb when they represent a group acting as a single unit.

Example: The team plays well together.

7. Indefinite pronouns like everyone, someone, nobody require a singular verb.

Example: Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions.

Now that we have seen some good sentences for subject-verb agreement, let us take a look at some common errors that can hurt your writing and SEO.

1. Failing to match the subject and verb in number

Example: The boys is playing in the garden. (Incorrect)

2. Ignoring the number of the subject when the verb comes later in the sentence

Example: Playing in the garden is the boys. (Incorrect)

3. Confusing collective nouns with plural verbs

Example: The team play well together. (Incorrect)

4. Placing the subject and verb too far apart in the sentence, making it hard to match them correctly

Example: On the table, near the vase of flowers, lies the book that I need. (Ambiguous)

By using good sentences for subject-verb agreement and avoiding common errors, you can enhance the clarity and coherence of your writing, making it easier for your readers to understand your ideas and for search engines to rank your content higher. Remember, good grammar is not only essential for effective communication but also for SEO optimization.